"For Junior Athletes Who Want To Take It To The Next Level"


For Junior Athletes Aged 8-16 Years Old

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“it doesn't matter what your background is or where you came from. if you have dreams and goals, that's all that matters.”

Physical Literacy And Movement Variability Might Be The Missing Links For Your Child.

In a world where parents want their children to be professional athletes (and rightly so), there can be misconceptions and lessons learnt too late. Many parents want their children to be the best at their sport, so logically, they get scheduled into doing more of it. Of course, children just love being able to do this with their friends.

However, there can be downfalls to specialising in a particular sport too early. The more time your child spends playing one sport, the less time there is to expose them to others. This means that they lose a lot of opportunity to develop basic and fundamental movement skills and patterns that breed athleticism. Kids should be encouraged to participate in as many sports as possible while they are young. Besides, even if you wanted your child to be a doctor, you would still get them learning English, Math, Art and Science, right?

Most kids will be able to endure the demands of many hours of training for their sport until they can’t. As much as we are adaptable, kids still need time and energy to develop and grow. We see many injuries start to happen as kids reach their teenage years, potentially due to reduced ability to cope with the repeated stress to their tissues that have just become too much.

One part of Athletic Development that gets missed quite often is in the weight room. Yes, we want kids to play as many sports as possible, but we also want to teach them movement literacy and proficiency, eventually teaching them to lift weight.  Many of these strategies can be taught in the gym. Not only does this maximise your children’s athletic potential and becomes an advantage that most children don’t have, but it also creates a more robust and resilient person.

Our goals for each child that enters our Next Generation Athlete Program are to educate and impart knowledge regarding long-term healthy habits and choices (physical activity, nutrition, hydration, stress management and mental health), encourage these lifestyle habits for life, build a robust and resilient body and mind, and to be the best person possible. Becoming a professional athlete is the icing on the cake. Afterall, all athletes are still human.

How it all works

Our Next Generation Athlete Program (NGAP) improves movement competency and overall resilience in junior athletes to support them as they grow into teens and the demands of their sports increase. The NGAP helps junior athletes aged 8-16 years old reduce risk of injury, improve athletic characteristics (strength, power, speed) and bridge the gap between their strengths and weaknesses. This program is one of only a very few complete junior athlete development programs in Melbourne. This is how it works:

1. The Athlete Action Strategy

Formulating The Action Strategy

The next generation of athletes are rarely provided with objective feedback on their athleticism and lifestyle to unlock their athletic potential and introduce them to a path of holistic, long-term health. As a result, many kids enter their late teenage years lacking athleticism and overall robustness to reduce risk of injury, and under-prepared for their sport and life thereafter.

Our Next Generation Athlete Program gives kids the opportunity to develop into elite athletes and put them on the journey of life-long health. Measuring their baseline status is the initial step.

All our junior athletes begin with performance testing. This allows us to:

  • Screen for any previous injuries that may be holding you back
  • Determine your baseline measures to ensure we have the minimum level of athletic characteristics to return to performance in the event you are injured.
  • Identify any areas that require specific attention to mitigate injury risk.
  • Connect the dots between your sports performance and performance testing, revealing what you need to do to gain that competitive edge you’re looking for.
  • Take advantage and maximise your current strengths to keep you at the top of your game.

These give us the information we need to formulate the action strategy and get your child on their way to elite sports performance and being healthy, emerging as better people.

2. Fuel The Performance

Fuel Your Performance With The Nutrients It Needs

Now that we’ve identified the key performance outcomes to formulate the action strategy, we can focus on the other key pillars that will help junior athletes maximise their sports performance and healthy-living.

Creating a competitive edge includes more than maximising their physical preparation. We must consider their nutritional intake, recovery strategies and overall knowledge of fuelling for sports performance and everyday life.

All our junior athletes have a session with our Sports Dietitian to identify the key areas that they may need help with, in order to maximise their sports performance, as well as learn about healthy lifestyle choices to prepare them for life after sport.

3. Mental Preparation Master Your Mental Preparation And Killer Mindset

By this stage, the next generation athletes have been exposed to the physical and nutritional side of elite performance and healthy living. Now we introduce them to the other half of the battle.

Having all the physical attributes in the world to be able to excel at your sport is great, but what happens when your brain gets in the way? All junior athletes will experience some form of performance anxiety, self-doubt and the need to satisfy external pressure. It can often be a case of “all in the mind” and even when their physical preparation is elite, their mental battles can get the best of them.

The famous Babe Ruth once said, “It’s hard to beat a person who never gives up.”

Our holistic approach means we give children the opportunity to develop the never say die attitude, the will to do whatever it takes and to master their mental game.

We encourage every athlete to get in touch with their mental side and build a solid relationship with themselves to ensure they get the most out of their performance.

We don’t just give you the physical edge, but the mental edge to succeed too.

4. Tailoring The Program

We Develop The Program To The Athlete's Individual Requirements

Identifying your child's baseline athletic characteristics through their Athlete Performance Testing gets us closer to developing their program. Now we have any injury history that may be hindering their progress, weaknesses that may be stopping them from maximising their sports performance, strengths that make them a good athlete and implement the action strategy to make them a great athlete.

Don’t worry, we account for their training and sport schedule too. Leave the programming to us, all they have to do is execute the strategy.

5. Join Our Next Generation Athlete Program

Now We Execute The Strategy

The Athlete Action Strategy is complete and now we're ready to execute it through our Next Generation Athlete Program (NGAP). It’s time to get the hands dirty and put in some hard yards.

When your child attends our NGAP training sessions, they will be surrounded by 4 other athletes who are trying to achieve greatness with them.

They will complete their training program in our elite performance facility under the watchful eye of our expert coaches to ensure they are improving each step of the way.  

All their training will accumulate over time to enhance their performance metrics.

They'll be able to withstand the demands of the game.

They'll fuel themselves to be at their best on game day.

They'll be in the right mindset to dominate their performances and daily living.

They'll be confident that the hard work they've put in is keeping them ahead of the pack.

Our next generation training philosophy

1. Assessment & Performance Testing To Reveal Improvements

Without any initial testing, you will never know how much you've improved. This is why we've developed a holistic performance testing system. We want to ensure that every athlete who enters our programs knows exactly how much they've improved from all the hard work they've put in. Our performance testing system measures strength, power, speed and fitness.


2. Physical Literacy & Variability For Increased Movement Options

The athletes who end up succeeding are generally the athletes who have a number of movement options to express their athleticism. With all our junior athletes, we prioritise exposure to varying degrees of movement patterns to develop their physical literacy and movement availability. The more available movement options your child has, the more like they will be able to beat an opponent to the ball, gracefully move in the air while taking contact, zig then zag to win the first step and all with less risk of injury. These movement foundations will allow us to build on the next phase.

3. Strength For Protection Against Injury

Durability is what allows an athlete to express their athleticism for the longest. Without durability, your child may be wasting their time on the sidelines. Strength training is one of the only proven modalities to reduce risk of injury. Due to juniors requiring energy to grow and structurally mature, not having the protective barrier produced by strength will mean they are less likely to cope with the demands of their sport. We all know that most kids love playing sport and being active so it would be remiss to not take advantage of a simple modality.

4. Plyometrics For Increased Power & Force Development

Plyometrics is a great way of introducing explosive power movements and more efficient force development to your kids. Most juniors lack the ability to produce power, which is why when you see an athlete able to express power, they stand out like a sore thumb.


5. Sprinting & Agility For Max Speed And Elite Footwork

Most children learn how to run through various physical activities such as tiggy, chasing animals or playing a form of sport. Our system promotes variability in speed training and agility to ensure your kids are getting exposure to the demands that may come their way when they choose to do something new.

6. Mental Resilience For Confidence And Clarity

Purely physical preparation is not enough to make a complete athlete and person. Mental resilience is the other half of the battle. Your children's mental health is important to us. It's important that we can educate them on the importance of self-care, especially in a world where pressure on athletes and kids starts very early in life. They may feel this pressure through sporting endeavours and not wanting to disappoint you, their coach or themselves, or through exams at school just trying to get a pass mark or get into the course of their choosing. Our program emphasises the importance of mental health and helps develop the mental resilience your child will need now and later on in life.

developing the young athlete

By: Johnoel Esmaquel
Director of Athlete Development

As much as you may want your kids to turn pro, there are certain measures we need to take to ensure that they are safe doing what they do and that they don't mentally burn out from doing the things they love. We also want them to do it well.

Early Sports Specialisation is like choosing to be a lawyer when you're 8 years old. The only difference is, generally most kids will still learn all components of language, mathematics, science, home economics, social studies and the like on the way to becoming a great lawyer. Yet, parents tend to approach sport differently. At a very young age, you may throw your child into one sport because you think that if they do more of it, they'll become more skilful at it. Whilst this is true to a certain extent, you are taking away their opportunity to develop as a holistic athlete. What they learn in soccer or football, they may not learn in basketball and vice versa. We need to ensure that kids are athletes first, specific-sport athletes second.

All the while, we also want to make sure we're developing these young athletes as better people, as they are still human at the end of the day. We want to encourage respect, a hard work-ethic, sportsmanship and leadership. We want to encourage long-term healthy lifestyle choices with physical activity, nutrition, stress management and mental health.

Our Next Generation Athlete Program builds its system off these foundational principles of being a great person first and great athlete second. Through our program, your kids will end up being better people as well as better athletes.




When you join the NGAP, you will:

  • Develop the confidence to always be at your physical and mental best.
  • Be able to monitor and objectively see your improvements in athletic performance outcomes.
  • Minimise your risk of injury, allowing you to showcase your skills without second guessing your body.
  • Develop the mindset of a winner, knowing you'll have the competitive edge in moments that matter the most.


Next generation athlete

This Is Our Main Junior Athlete Program.

  • 8 x Athletic Performance Testing
  • Unlimited Access To ADP Weight-Room Sessions
  • Unlimited Access To Speed, Agility & Conditioning Sessions
  • Unlimited Access To Our Purpose Built Recovery Room
  • Individualised Programs
  • Access To 1 x Complimentary Consultation with our Sports Dietitian
  • Free Gym Membership
  • Discounted Physiotherapy Services (50% Off Standard Pricing)

$129/per week

Enquire today

This is a 12-Month Training Package

Platinum next generation program

This Is Our Platinum Program.

  • 8 x Athletic Performance Testing
  • 2x Weekly 1:1 Coaching Sessions
  • Unlimited Access To ADP Weight-Room Sessions
  • Unlimited Access To Speed, Agility & Conditioning Sessions
  • Unlimited Access To Our Purpose Built Recovery Room
  • Individualised Programs
  • Access To 2 x Complimentary Consultations with our Sports Dietitian
  • Free Gym Membership
  • Discounted Physiotherapy Services (50% Off Standard Pricing)

$249/per week

Enquire today

This is a 12-Month Training Package

Why Choose Us?

  • Our all-encompassing Athletic Performance Testing provides us with all the details we need, to know what makes your child a good athlete (strengths), what we need to work on to give them the competitive edge (weaknesses) and make them a robust and resilient athlete (reduce risk of injury).

  • Developing the strategy from the information above allows us to tailor an individualised program to ensure we maximise your child's sports performance.

  • Your child's individualised program will not only be tailored to their performance testing, but also to their weekly schedule. We understand life gets busy, whether it's sport, school or socials, but understand that no matter the circumstance, we've got you covered.

  • Our team training environment means that someone will always be around to lift your child up and cheer them on. Everyone wants to see them improve and we're all invested in their progress.

  • Every session, every day, every week, your child will have unrivalled support from our expert coaches who will be supervising them through their journey to ensure they stay on track to achieve the goals we've set out together.

  • We provide your chil with the Mental Resilience Program to compliment their physical preparation. They will learn how to harness their emotions, practice mindfulness strategies, and understand the values that make them great. Not only will they have the physical edge, but they'll have the mental edge too.

  • In the event that they feel a niggle, our Sports Rehab clinicians will support them under a discounted rate. In most cases, private health care coverage will satisfy the minimum cost, meaning there will me no gap fee.


we are the only performance facility in melbourne to put our money where our mouth is

If after your first performance re-testing you have not improved, we will give you 100% of your money back. We stand by the results we achieve. If you are not happy with your training experience, we do not deserve your money. It's as simple as that. There is no stronger guarantee than this in the market.